Mrs. Cave's House
Vol.XXIII, No. 1 © 2013 Sow's Ear Poetry Review
Winner of the 2012 Sow's Ear Chapbook Competition.
Individual poems published in The Panhandler, Prairie Schooner,
Southern Humanities Review, Southern Poetry Review,
The Southern Review, Yankee.

Inside a Class Action
©2003 University of Wisconsin Press
"A must read for anybody interested in the details of how a group of dogged individuals uncovered the truth involving Swiss banks and the Holocaust"
--Kenneth R. Feinberg, adjunct professor of law, Georgetown University Law Center
"With a mastery of the legal issues and a keen eye for the human drama, Schapiro has made the intensity of the historic litigation come alive"
--Michael Berenbaum, director of the Sigi Ziering Institute and author of The World Must Know

Tapping This Stone
ISBN 0-931846-47-1
©1995 Washington Writers' Publishing House
Winner of the 1995 Poetry Book Competition
"Read the poem "Carcinoma" and discover how Jane Schapiro can infuse the domestic with ferocity and terror. Read "in my other life" for how she can find the poetry in pain, the sympathy in the imaginary. And "Postpartum" for how life can still be touched by myth in our dim, sad age. A fine book.
--C.K. Wiiliams